A film that resonates with the theme of The Enemy is The Pianist, which tells the true story of Władysław Szpilman, a Jewish pianist who receives help from a German officer during World War II. Like Dr. Sadao, the officer faces a moral conflict between his duties as a soldier and his human compassion for Szpilman. Both narratives explore themes of humanity and ethical dilemmas in the context of war, highlighting how individuals can rise above societal prejudices to act with kindness. These stories poignantly illustrate the complexity of human emotions and the courage to make compassionate choices in dire circumstances.
This question related to Chapter English Vistas Class 12th NCERT.
From the Chapter 4.The Enemy.
Give answer according to your understanding.
I read a novel written by Ritesh Rana wherein there were three friends who go to college daily by train. They had to walk about two kilometers while returning to railway station in afternoon. It was early June and the summer was at its peak. Along with the sun, the earth was burning like fire. It was difficult to stand in open for a moment. They saw a poor expecting woman begging for money who needed to reach the hospital as soon as possible. They took great pity on that lady. They took out their own money and arranged an auto rickshaw to drop her to nearest hospital. If those friends had not helped that woman on that day, her life might not have been saved. And the most surprising thing was the people standing there were just watching the spectacle and those three young boys who were not much mature helped the needy lady.
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