In a cartoon created by Neelabh Banerjee, the renowned Indian cartoonist, illustrator, and comics artist, a woman is depicted in a rural setting, carrying water pots on her head and a bundle of sticks in her hands. She is also holding her child’s hand. Meanwhile, a man, presumably her husband, is seen lying on a cot. The husband is heard saying, “Oh, she? She doesn’t work. She’s just a housewife.” What is the cartoon trying to depict?
CBSE Sample Paper Class 10 2023-24
NCERT Class 10 Social Science
Neelabh Banerjee is a renowned Indian political cartoonist known for his thought-provoking cartoons depicting social and political scenarios, offering insightful commentary through his artwork.
The cartoon by Neelabh Banerjee depicts:
(a) the sexual division of labor in India.
The cartoon illustrates the unequal gender-based division of labor prevalent in Indian society. It portrays a woman engaged in household chores and childcare while her husband dismisses her contributions. This highlights the societal stereotype that diminishes the value of women’s work in domestic settings, reinforcing the prevailing sexual division of labor where household tasks are often solely attributed to women.