Material X is likely a soluble, rigid substance like salt, while material Y is a soft, insoluble substance like clay. X dissolves in water, whereas Y remains unchanged, reflecting its different properties.
Imagine you have two mysterious materials, X and Y. When you try to press material X, it feels rigid and does not change its shape easily. On the other hand, material Y easily changes its shape when you press it. Now, when you mix both materials in water, only material X dissolves completely, while material Y remains unchanged. What can materials X and Y be? Can you identify whether material X is hard or soft? What about material Y? Justify your answer.
Material X, which feels rigid and does not change shape easily, is likely a hard, soluble substance such as salt, which dissolves in water. Material Y, which easily changes shape when pressed, is probably a soft, insoluble substance like clay. The fact that X dissolves completely in water while Y remains unchanged indicates that X is soluble and rigid, whereas Y is soft and resistant to dissolution.
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