How many degrees of longitude does the Earth rotate per hour?
The Earth rotates 360° in 24 hours, which means it rotates 15° per hour. This forms the basis for time zones, with each 15° representing one hour of time difference. The correct option is (C) 15°.
Class 6 NCERT Social Science India and the World: Land and the People Chapter 1 Locating Places on the Earth
class 6 Social Science Textbook Chapter 1 question answer
The Earth completes a full 360° rotation in 24 hours, leading to a rotation of 15° per hour. This forms the foundation for the time zone system, where each 15° of longitude represents a one-hour difference. The division into time zones helps standardize timekeeping globally, making it possible to track the time accurately based on Earth’s rotation and position relative to the Sun.
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