Large-scale transmission of electric energy over long distances is achieved using transformers. Step-up transformers at power plants increase voltage, reducing current to minimize transmission losses. High-voltage electricity travels through transmission lines efficiently. At distribution points, step-down transformers lower the voltage to safe, usable levels for consumers, ensuring economical and efficient energy delivery over vast distances.
Class 12 Physics Chapter 7 Alternating current Session 2024-2025.
How is the large scale transmission of electric energy overlong distances donewith the use of transformers?
Large-scale transmission of electric energy over long distances is achieved using transformers. At power plants, step-up transformers increase the voltage, which reduces the current and minimizes transmission losses. High-voltage electricity then travels efficiently through transmission lines. At distribution points, step-down transformers lower the voltage to safe, usable levels for consumers. This process ensures that electricity is transmitted economically and efficiently over vast distances, reducing energy loss and making it suitable for everyday use.
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