To multiply fractions, multiply their numerators and denominators. For example, 2/3 × 4/5 = (2 × 4)/(3 × 5) = 8/15. Simplify the result if possible. Multiplication combines fractional parts effectively.
Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Fractions
Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 7 Fractions question answer
Multiplying fractions involves multiplying the numerators to find the new numerator and the denominators for the new denominator. For instance, 3/4 × 2/5 = (3 × 2)/(4 × 5) = 6/20, which simplifies to 3/10. This operation represents finding portions of portions, commonly applied in tasks like calculating areas or proportions. Simplifying the product makes it easier to interpret results, ensuring fractions remain practical and efficient in mathematical and everyday contexts.
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