Angles are classified as acute (<90°), right (90°), obtuse (90°–180°), straight (180°), and reflex (>180° but <360°). Examples include a 45° acute angle, a 120° obtuse angle, and a 270° reflex angle.
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 2 question answer
class 6 Mathematics Chapter 2 Lines and Angles solutions
Angles are categorized based on their measures:
1. Acute angles: Less than 90° (e.g., 30°).
2. Right angles: Exactly 90° (e.g., the corner of a square).
3. Obtuse angles: Between 90° and 180° (e.g., 120°).
4. Straight angles: Exactly 180°, forming a straight line.
5. Reflex angles: Greater than 180° but less than 360° (e.g., 270°).
These classifications help in analyzing shapes, rotations, and geometric constructions.
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