Class 10th Science Session 2022-23
Class X Science MCQ Extra Questions Answers
Class 10 Science Terminal Exams MCQ Solutions
10th Science Terminal Exam Based MCQ Extra Questions
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Food cans are typically coated with a layer of tin and not zinc for a specific reason: tin is more corrosion-resistant than zinc when exposed to the acidic environment of food. The main reasons for using tin instead of zinc in food can coatings are:
1. Corrosion Resistance: Tin is more resistant to corrosion in contact with food and its acidic components than zinc. The acid in some foods can react with zinc, potentially affecting the taste and safety of the food. Tin, on the other hand, is more inert and less likely to react with the contents of the can.
2. Safety: Using tin as a food can lining is considered safe for food storage. Zinc, on the other hand, can interact with certain acidic foods and potentially lead to the leaching of zinc into the food, which is not desirable.
3. Taste: Zinc can impart a metallic taste to the food, which can be unpleasant for consumers. Tin does not affect the taste of the food.
4. Appearance: Tin-coated cans provide a more visually appealing and shiny interior surface.
For these reasons, food cans are typically lined with a thin layer of tin, creating a barrier between the food and the metal of the can, to ensure the safety, quality, and taste of the food products stored within them. This lining is often referred to as a “tinplate.”
[C] zinc is more reactive than Tin
Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because zinc is more reactive than tin.