To draw these angles, use a protractor. Align the baseline with one arm of the angle, mark the required degrees (140°, 82°, 195°, 70°, 35°), and join the vertex with the marked point.
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 2 question answer
class 6 Mathematics Chapter 2 Lines and Angles solutions
To draw these angles:
1. Begin by drawing a baseline and marking the vertex.
2. Place the center of the protractor at the vertex and align the baseline with 0°.
3. Mark the required degrees (140°, 82°, 195°, 70°, or 35°) on the protractor’s scale.
4. Use a ruler to join the vertex with the marked point, creating the angle.
5. Label each angle clearly.
Repeat this process for each degree measure, ensuring precision in every step.
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