Visual cues help players anticipate opponents’ moves and respond promptly. Observing signals like body language or hand gestures sharpens focus, improving reaction time and ensuring better execution of defensive or chasing strategies.
Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 3 Chapter 3 Fundamental Skills of Kho-Kho question answer
Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit III Chapter 3 Fundamental Skills of Kho-Kho, Khel Yatra
Visual cues play a crucial role in kho-kho by helping players anticipate and react swiftly to opponents’ actions. By observing subtle signals such as body language, hand gestures, or movement patterns, players can predict their opponents’ next moves. These cues sharpen focus and reduce the time between perception and response, ensuring efficient execution of defensive or chasing strategies. Practicing drills involving random visual signals further enhances this skill, making players more alert and effective during matches.