An electric dipole placed in a non-uniform electric field will experience
An electric dipole placed in a non-uniform electric field experiences both a force and a torque. The non-uniform field exerts unequal forces on the positive and negative charges, creating a net force. Additionally, torque aligns the dipole with the field direction. (Answer: (c) Both force and torque)
Class 12th Science Physics NCERT MCQ Questions
NCERT Books MCQ Questions Session 2024-2025.
The correct answer is (c) Both force and torque.
In a non-uniform electric field, an electric dipole experiences torque that aligns it with the field and force due to the field gradient. The force arises because the field strength differs at each dipole charge, causing a net translational motion. Torque tends to rotate the dipole, aligning it with the field direction.
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