When the bird left its nest, it saw a world made of leaves. It was initially surprised by the abundance of greenery and felt that it had been blind to the world beyond. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter ...
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I worked hard to complete a science project. I gathered information, designed experiments, and created a presentation. It was a challenging process, but it helped me learn new skills. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Nurturing Nature Class 6 English Poorvi Unit ...
I want to tell humans to protect nature and animals. The world is beautiful, and if you take care of it, both birds and people will continue to thrive together. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Nurturing Nature Class 6 English Poorvi ...
I’m a parrot, my name is Paro, My feathers are bright and they glow. In the morning, I spread my wings, Fly around and see wonderful things. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 2 What a Bird Thought Class 6 English ...
The bird felt that it had been very blind because it could not see the leaves from inside the nest. The bird realized it had been blind because it hadn’t seen the leaves while in the nest. Only after leaving ...
The bird feels surprised and humbled when it discovers the leaves and sky. It realizes how much it didn’t know before leaving the nest, acknowledging its previous ignorance. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Nurturing Nature Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 ...
The bird thought its first home, the egg, was small, round, and blue. It believed this was the entire world because it had no experience outside its protective shell. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 2 question answer class 6 ...
Birds create various nests: cup-shaped ones by sparrows, large twig nests by eagles, hanging grass nests by weavers, and mud nests by swallows. Each design reflects the bird’s environment and need for protection. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter ...
My home is made of brick, wood, glass, and metal. The walls are sturdy, the windows let in light, and the roof protects against weather, providing comfort and safety. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 2 What a Bird Thought Class ...