Reciprocal refers to the inverse of a number or quantity. For a number x its reciprocal is 1/x. In mathematics the reciprocal of a fraction a/b is b/a. The concept is widely used in algebra calculus and various fields like ...
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Cubical expansion refers to the increase in volume of a substance when it is heated. It occurs due to the expansion of all three dimensions—length, breadth, and height. The amount of volume change depends on the material’s coefficient of cubical ...
Superficial expansion refers to the increase in the surface area of a solid when it is heated. It depends on the material’s nature and the temperature change. The coefficient of superficial expansion is used to quantify this increase and is ...
A coefficient is a numerical or constant factor that quantifies a specific property or relationship in equations or phenomena. It represents proportionality or variation in fields like physics and mathematics. Examples include the coefficient of friction coefficient of expansion and ...
Expansion is the increase in the size or volume of a substance due to heating. It occurs because particles move faster and spread apart when heated. Expansion can be linear areal or volumetric depending on the dimension considered and is ...
Thermoelectric refers to the direct conversion of temperature differences into electrical energy or vice versa using thermoelectric materials. It works based on the Seebeck effect where a temperature gradient across a conductor produces an electric voltage. Thermoelectric devices are used ...
A principle is a fundamental truth or law that forms the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. It provides guidance and establishes the core rules or concepts in various fields like science ethics and law. Principles are essential ...
Thermometric properties are characteristics of substances that change with temperature. These properties include length volume pressure and electrical resistance. They are used in thermometers to measure temperature. Different materials exhibit varying thermometric properties which can be calibrated to determine temperature ...
Ideal refers to something that is considered perfect or flawless in nature. In physics it often refers to theoretical models or conditions that simplify real-world phenomena. An ideal gas for example is assumed to have no intermolecular forces and occupy ...
Thermometric substances are materials used to measure temperature. They change in physical properties like length volume or resistance with temperature variation. Common examples include mercury and alcohol in thermometers, and resistance in thermistors. These substances help convert temperature changes into ...