The Bharatas were an ancient tribe mentioned in the Rigveda, one of the oldest known texts. They were a prominent Vedic people who settled in the region of the Sapta Sindhava (the land of the seven rivers). The name Bharata ...
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The term Sapta Sindhava refers to the seven rivers mentioned in ancient Indian texts, particularly in the Rigveda. These rivers are the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej, and Sarasvati. These rivers are located in the northwestern region of the ...
The Mahabharata is one of the two major epics of ancient India, composed by the sage Vyasa. It is a long and complex narrative that tells the story of the Kurukshetra War, a great battle fought between two branches of ...
The term Hindustan was first used by the ancient Persians to refer to the region of the Indus Valley. Over time, it came to be used more broadly to describe the Indian subcontinent. The term gained prominence in the medieval ...
In Chinese, Tianzhu (天竺) refers to the ancient name used for India. The term combines two characters: Tian (天), meaning “heaven,” and Zhu (竺), which is believed to refer to a region or a place, particularly the area where India ...
The ancient Chinese referred to India as Tianzhu. This term was used to describe the lands to the southwest of China, known for their rich culture and advanced civilization. Chinese travelers, such as Faxian and Xuanzang, visited India in ancient ...
The ancient Greeks referred to India as Indos, derived from the River Indus (Sindhu in Sanskrit). This name was introduced by Greek travelers and historians, including Herodotus, who used it to describe the lands to the east of Persia. As ...
The ancient Persians referred to India as Hindush or Hindustan. This name was derived from the River Sindhu (Indus), which flows through the northwestern part of the subcontinent. The Persian influence spread across the region, and the term Hindush eventually ...
According to the Vishnu Purana, Bharata refers to the region that stretches from the northern Himalayas to the southern seas. It describes the land as being divided by rivers and mountains, forming a rich and fertile territory. The Vishnu Purana ...
The emperor who referred to India as Jambudvīpa was Ashoka, the Mauryan emperor. In his inscriptions, Ashoka used the term Jambudvīpa to describe the Indian subcontinent. He is known for his efforts to spread Buddhism and for his belief in ...