The seven swaras are Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha and Ni. They form the foundation of Hindustani and Carnatic music, creating melodies and ragas essential to Indian classical compositions. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I music and your emotions question answer Class ...
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Music-evoked memory refers to memories triggered by a song, melody or rhythm. It helps recall past experiences, emotions and associations connected to specific musical pieces, often bringing nostalgia, joy or deep reflection. Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 6 Music and your ...
Rhythm-based games develop timing, coordination and beat recognition. Clapping, drumming or stepping to music improves rhythmic accuracy, making learning musical patterns engaging and interactive for students. Class 6 Arts Kriti-I Chapter 6 Music and your Emotions NCERT solutions Class 6 Visual Arts ...