A material is a substance or matter used to make objects or things. It can be natural or man-made and comes in various forms such as solids, liquids, or gases. For example, wood, metal, and plastic are materials used to ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
Opaque materials are those that do not allow light to pass through. When light hits these materials, it gets blocked or absorbed. Examples of opaque materials include wood, stone, and metal. For instance, you cannot see through a wooden door ...
Kitchen containers are often transparent so that we can easily see the contents inside without opening them. This helps in identifying the food or ingredients quickly, saving time and effort. For example, we can see the amount of flour or ...
Yes, two objects of the same volume can have different masses. This happens because mass depends on the density of the material the object is made of. For example, a wooden block and a metal block can both have the ...
Some objects float while others sink depending on their density. Density is the amount of matter packed into a given volume. Objects that are less dense than water, like a wooden block, float because they are lighter compared to the ...
No, mass and weight cannot be used interchangeably because they are different concepts. Mass is the amount of matter in an object and is measured in grams or kilograms. It stays the same regardless of the object’s location. Weight, on ...
Materials can be classified by their appearance into categories such as lustrous and non-lustrous. Lustrous materials are shiny and reflect light, like metals such as gold, silver, and aluminum. On the other hand, non-lustrous materials do not shine and have ...
Glass or plastic are commonly preferred materials for making tumblers. Glass is often chosen because it is transparent, allows you to see the contents clearly, and is easy to clean. Plastic tumblers are lightweight, unbreakable, and more durable, making them ...
Some materials are used to make specific types of balls because of their unique properties, such as bounce, weight, and durability. For example, a rubber ball is used in games like basketball because it bounces well and is lightweight. A ...
Yes, gases can dissolve in water. For example, oxygen and carbon dioxide are gases that dissolve in water. Fish breathe by taking in dissolved oxygen from water, which is essential for their survival. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form ...