Proportional refers to a relationship between two quantities where a change in one quantity results in a corresponding change in the other. If two quantities are proportional they increase or decrease at the same rate. The concept is often used ...
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Proportional refers to the relationship between two quantities where one changes in direct or inverse relation to the other. If two variables are proportional, their ratio remains constant. For example, in direct proportionality, when one quantity increases the other increases ...
Proportional refers to a relationship between two quantities where a change in one causes a corresponding change in the other. If two quantities are directly proportional, they increase or decrease together. Inversely proportional means one increases as the other decreases. ...
Proportional describes a consistent relationship between two quantities where a change in one results in a corresponding change in the other. Class 11 Physics, Chapter 5: Work, Energy and Power, explores concepts, relationships, and calculations essential for understanding mechanics, emphasizing their ...
Proportional refers to a relationship where one quantity changes in relation to another, maintaining a constant ratio between the two. Class 11 Physics Gravitation CBSE EXAM 2024-25