Reynard makes the Raven sing by flattering him. He praises the Raven’s feathers and implies that if he sings, the birds of the woods will crown him king, feeding the Raven’s vanity. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit I Chapter 2 ...
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The Raven forgets his voice is a croak because he’s flattered by the Fox’s praise. Overcome with pride, he foolishly believes that he can sing like the beautiful bird Reynard describes. ncert poorvi class 6 english book solutions Class 6 English NCERT ...
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The Raven, flattered by the Fox’s praise, acted foolishly. Thus, the appropriate word for the Raven in this analogy is foolish, opposite to the Fox’s cleverness. ncert poorvi class 6 english book solutions class 6 English Textbook Poorvi chapter 2 question answer
The Raven opened his beak because he was flattered by the Fox’s praise and wanted to sing, forgetting that his voice was merely a croak. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit I Chapter 2 The Raven and the Fox class 6 English ...