The man and his wife were unable to fall asleep because they heard suspicious noises outside, causing anxiety and fear about a potential intruder entering their home. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 1 Chapter 3 Rama to the Rescue class 6 ...
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The correct word to fill in the blank is “Kotwal.” The villagers caught the thief and took him to the Kotwal, who is responsible for law and order in the village. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi chapter 3 question answer class 6 ...
The odd one is “children.” The story primarily involves the husband and wife dealing with a problem, while children are not mentioned or involved in the situation. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 1 Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 English Poorvi Unit ...
Worrying about a problem and giving up won’t solve anything. Instead, it’s important to stay calm and try different approaches to resolve the issue, even if the solution isn’t obvious immediately. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 1 Chapter 3 Rama ...
Yes, a man stuck in a building on fire needs to be rescued immediately to save him from the danger of being injured or trapped in the flames. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 1 Chapter 3 Rama to the Rescue class ...