i)Cheap and affordable since rate of interest is lower ii)free from falling into a debt trap iii) going to ask him to sell his property iv) free of interest CBSE Sample paper 2023-24 NCERT Class 10 Social Science
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“You may take it from me that I am not going to strike a bargain with the Viceroy for ministries and the like. I am not going to be satisfied with anything short of complete freedom. Maybe, he will propose ...
Population trends and dynamics can have an enormous effect on prospects for poverty reduction and sustainable development. Poverty is influenced by – and influences – population dynamics, including population growth, age structure, and rural-urban distribution. All of this has a ...
Assertion (A): Power sharing is desirable. Reason(R): Power sharing is good because it helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups. CBSE Sample Paper 2023-24 NCERT Class 10 social science
i.‘community government’ is elected by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking – no matter where they live. ii.This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language-related issues. iii.This government has the power regarding economical, ...
a. Their demand of separate electorate b. Their demand for freedom of expression. c. Their demand for the right to vote. d. Their demand for more autonomy to provinces populated by the Tamils. CBSE Sample Paper 2023-24 NCERT Class 10 Social ...
i. Hydel power production ii. Irrigation iii. Transportation iv. Cleaning a. i and iv b. ii and i c. Only iii d. Only ii CBSE Sample Paper 2023-24 NCERT Class 10 Social Science
a. Rowlatt Satyagraha Movement b. Civil Disobedience movement c. Non Cooperation Movement d. Quit India Movement CBSE Sample Paper 2023-24 NCERT Class 10 Social Science
i) Name the dam built on the river Sutlej. ii) Name the place in northern India where an important software technology park is present. iii) Name the southernmost port on the east coast of India. iv) Name the nuclear power ...