If a green electric bulb is installed in a room, the red cloth will appear black colored. This is because green light is absorbed by the red cloth, which reflects only red wavelengths. Since green light is absent, the cloth ...
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The color of light is determined by its wavelength. Wavelength corresponds to the distance between successive peaks or troughs of a wave and determines the color perceived by the human eye. Different wavelengths of light correspond to different colors in ...
When red, green, and blue colors of light are mixed in equal proportions, the resulting color will be white. This additive color mixing principle is used in devices like computer monitors and televisions to produce a full range of colors ...
Dry sand appears bright because it reflects more light, while wet sand appears darker because water fills the gaps between sand grains, reducing the reflection and causing more light to be absorbed or refracted within the sand-water mixture, making it ...
If the power of the lens of an eyeglass is +2 diopters, its focal length will be 50 cm. The focal length of a lens in meters is the reciprocal of its power in diopters.
The mirror used by a dentist to check the teeth of a patient is concave. Concave mirrors provide a magnified image, which helps the dentist see a larger and clearer view of the teeth and gums, aiding in better examination ...
A diverging lens is one that spreads rays of light. It is thinner at the center than at the edges, causing parallel rays of light passing through it to diverge away from a focal point, where the virtual image is ...
The unit of the power of the lens is diopter. It measures the refractive power of a lens, indicating how strongly the lens converges or diverges light. It is defined as the reciprocal of the focal length in meters.
Total internal reflection occurs when light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, with an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle. This phenomenon causes the light to be completely reflected back into the denser medium, rather ...
Red light is used for danger signals because it is less scattered compared to other colors. This characteristic allows red light to travel longer distances without dispersing, ensuring that warning signals remain clearly visible even in conditions where visibility may ...