Lal Bahadur Shastri refused the shop owner’s offer because he believed in honesty and humility. He felt it was wrong to accept gifts due to his position and preferred to live within his means. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being ...
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Reflect on weekly efforts, discussing challenges and accomplishments. Highlight lessons learned about discipline, time management and persistence. Share feelings of pride and motivation gained from making steady progress toward achieving the goal. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, ...
Reflect on a challenging achievement, describing the effort required and obstacles faced. Share the lessons learned, such as patience and persistence, and the joy and pride experienced after reaching the goal. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V Chapter ...
Encourage students to bring a small, gently used item, like a book or toy, they cherish but no longer use. This item should represent something meaningful they can consider sharing or donating. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter ...
Shalabhasana, or Locust Pose, involves lifting the legs and chest while lying prone. This pose strengthens the lower back, hips and thighs, enhances spinal health, and stimulates abdominal organs. Answer: (B) Shalabhasana Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter ...