Light pollution occurs when artificial lights from cities and towns make the night sky bright, making it hard to see stars and other celestial objects. It affects astronomy because it blocks our view of the stars, planets, and galaxies. This ...
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Astronomers study distant stars and planets by using telescopes to observe them. Telescopes can be ground-based or placed in space to capture light and images from faraway objects. They analyze the light, colors, and other signals received to learn about ...
Natural satellites are objects that orbit planets, and they are not made by humans. The Moon is an example of a natural satellite, as it orbits the Earth. Natural satellites can vary in size and shape, and they are held ...
Planetary rings are made up of countless small particles of ice, rock, and dust that orbit around the planet. These particles can range in size from tiny grains to large chunks several meters across. Rings are held in place by ...
Gas giants are large planets made mostly of gases like hydrogen and helium, with very small rocky cores. In our Solar System, the gas giants are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets don’t have solid surfaces like Earth; instead, ...
The Earth is called the “Blue Planet” because it looks blue from space. This is due to the large amount of water in its oceans, which covers most of its surface. The green and brown areas represent land, and the ...
Venus is called the Morning Star or Evening Star because it shines brightly in the sky either just before sunrise or just after sunset. It is one of the brightest objects in the sky after the Sun and Moon. This ...
Mars is known as the Red Planet. It is called this because of its reddish appearance, which is due to iron oxide, or rust, on its surface. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and has a thin atmosphere. ...
There are eight planets in our Solar System. They are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets revolve around the Sun in elliptical orbits. The planets are divided into two groups: the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, ...
The Sun looks larger than other stars because it is much closer to Earth. While other stars are far away, the Sun is only about 93 million miles from us. This closeness makes it appear much bigger and brighter in ...