A balanced diet includes all essential nutrients in the right amounts. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body. Give answer according to your understanding.
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Water helps in nutrient absorption and waste removal. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body. Give answer according to your understanding.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and pulses. Plant-based foods high in fibre aid digestion and prevent constipation. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body. Give answer ...
Dietary fibre, or roughage, helps the body eliminate undigested food. Fibre aids digestion and supports regular bowel movements. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body.
Oranges, lemons, and guava. Citrus fruits are rich sources of Vitamin C, important for immune health. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body. Give answer ...
Vitamin C helps the body fight diseases.Vitamin C boosts immunity and aids in the repair of tissues. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body. Give ...
They protect the body from diseases and keep it healthy.Vitamins and minerals support immunity, maintain health, and prevent deficiency diseases. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a ...
Milk, eggs, beans, and pulses are rich in proteins. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy Body. Give answer according to your understanding.
Proteins are known as body-building foods.Proteins are known as body-building foods.Proteins aid in growth, muscle repair, and maintenance of tissues. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a ...
Sources include nuts, seeds, butter, and oils. Both plant-based and animal sources provide healthy fats needed by the body. This question related to Chapter 3 Science Curiosity Class 6th NCERT. From the Chapter 3. Mindful Eating: A Path to a ...