A material cannot be both transparent and opaque at the same time. These two properties are opposite to each other. Transparent materials allow light to pass through clearly, so you can see objects on the other side, like glass or ...
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Non-lustrous materials are substances that do not shine or reflect light like metals. These materials have a dull appearance and are often rough or matte in texture. For example, wood, rubber, and chalk are non-lustrous materials. They do not have ...
We use classification in daily life to organize and make sense of the things around us. By grouping similar items together based on their properties, we can easily find and use them. For example, we classify clothes by type (shirts, ...
An example of a translucent material is frosted glass. Frosted glass allows some light to pass through, but not enough to see clear images on the other side. Instead, it creates a blurred or diffused effect. Other examples of translucent ...
Volume refers to the amount of space that an object or substance occupies. It is a measure of how much space is inside a container or how large an object is. For example, the volume of a liquid like water ...
Mass refers to the amount of matter or substance in an object. It tells us how heavy or light an object is. Mass is measured in units like grams (g) or kilograms (kg). For example, a book might have a ...
Insoluble materials are substances that do not dissolve in liquids like water. When added to water, these materials do not mix or form a solution; instead, they remain separate and can often be seen as solid particles. For example, sand, ...
An example of a soluble material is salt. When you add salt to water, it dissolves completely, forming a clear solution. The particles of salt mix evenly with the water, and you can no longer see the individual grains of ...
The International System of Units (SI) is a standardized system for measuring things like length, weight, and time. It was created so that people around the world can use the same units and avoid confusion. In this system, the meter ...
People use standardized scales for measurement to ensure that measurements are accurate and consistent everywhere. Standard units, like meters, kilograms, and liters, help people understand measurements clearly without confusion. If everyone uses the same units, like meters for length or ...