jovan prabhu Asked: April 23, 2020In: Class 10 Find the square root of Find the square root of 289(a + b)^4(a − b)^6 9 Mathscbse class 9class 9class 9maths
Anonymous Asked: February 24, 2020In: Class 9 त्रिभुज PQR मेरे PQ=2CM,QR=3CM,PR=4CM त्रिभुज के सबसे बड़े और सबसे छोटे कोणो के नाम बताईये Class 9th cbsecbse class 9class 9math 9thmaths
Anonymous Asked: February 24, 2020In: Class 9 PQ>PR है QSऔर RS कमसः कोण Qऔर कोणR के समदिवभाजक है सिद्ध कीजिए SQ>SR Class 9th cbsecbse exam 2020cbse examsclass 9math class 9thmaths
Anonymous Asked: February 14, 2020In: Class 9 यदि पृथ्वी की त्रिज्या R=6.37×10 (6)मी गुरुत्वीय त्वरण g=9.8m/sec तथा गुरुत्वीय नियतांक G=6.67×10 (-11) N×m/kg है तो ज्ञात कीजिये (1) पृथ्वी का द्रव्यमान (2) पृथ्वी का मध्य घनत्व । Class 9th lesson 10 class 9class 9th sciencephysicsscience
Nirmql Asked: February 7, 2020In: Class 9 Power and exponent Ques.14. if 10 raised to power 2y = 25 then 10 raised to power -y =? class 9class 9mathsimportant questions class 10 mathsmathsmaths mcq
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Why are lysosomes known as ‘suicide-bags’ of a cell? Answers in brief. biologycbseclass 9ncert solutionsscience
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Why is endocytosis found in animals only? give answers as per 9th standard. biologycbseclass 9ncertscience
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Name any cell organelle which is non membranous. Name one or two. biologycbse 2020class 9science
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 How is a bacterial cell different from an onion peel cell? explain properly. 9 sciencebiologyclass 9science
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Why are lysosomes also known as “scavengers of the cells”? answer please. 9 biologybiologyclass 9science