To harvest root vegetables, gently loosen the soil around the base of the plant. Pull them out carefully by hand or use a garden trowel to avoid damaging the roots or surrounding plants. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 ...
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Factors include the cost of seeds, soil amendments, tools, and labor, along with market prices, produce quality and demand. Local availability and seasonal fluctuations also play a role in setting a fair price. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Chapter 1 ...
Wear gloves for hand protection, follow usage instructions carefully, and ensure tools are clean and rust-free. Store tools properly to prevent accidents, and always ask for guidance when using unfamiliar equipment. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work with ...
Identify the scientific names of your plants using reference books or apps. For example, brinjal is Solanum melongena and coriander is Coriandrum sativum. Discuss findings with your teacher for accurate identification. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 1 School ...
The cut-and-come-again method is used for leafy greens. Harvest outer leaves while leaving the inner ones intact, allowing continuous growth and multiple harvests from the same plant. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work with Life Forms question answer Class ...
Staking provides necessary support for creepers and climbers, ensuring they grow upward and do not spread uncontrollably. It promotes air circulation, prevents damage and makes harvesting fruits and vegetables easier. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 1 School Kitchen ...
To make furrows, mark the soil surface, create straight grooves or small holes according to spacing guidelines and ensure depth matches seed requirements. These steps ensure proper seed placement for optimal growth. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 1 ...
Regularly removing weeds ensures that plants receive sufficient nutrients, water and sunlight. Weeds compete for resources, hamper growth and may harbor pests or diseases, affecting plant health and reducing the garden’s productivity. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Project 1 School ...
Materials like bamboo, old pipes, wooden sticks or any locally available sturdy items can be used to create a fence. Strong strings or wires are essential to bind these materials together effectively. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work ...
Moisture is maintained by spraying water when needed. Precautions include avoiding excessive watering to prevent waterlogging, which can harm earthworms and hinder the decomposition process in the vermicompost bin. Class 6 NCERT Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work with Life ...