Sunlight plays a crucial role in the water cycle by providing the energy needed for evaporation. When the sun heats up water in rivers, lakes, and oceans, it turns into water vapor and rises into the atmosphere. Sunlight also helps ...
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Dust particles play an important role in cloud formation by providing a surface for water vapor to condense upon. When water vapor rises and cools, it needs something to stick to in order to form droplets. Dust particles in the ...
Water can evaporate on cool days because evaporation depends on the movement of water molecules. Even on cool days, some molecules in the water have enough energy to escape into the air as vapor. The process of evaporation happens as ...
Evaporation is faster with a larger surface area because more molecules are exposed to the air. When more surface of the liquid is exposed, more water molecules can escape into the air as vapor at the same time. This increases ...
Wet clothes take longer to dry in high humidity because the air already has a lot of moisture in it. When the air is humid, it can’t absorb much more water from the clothes. As a result, the water in ...