By using renewable resources responsibly and conserving non-renewable ones, we can meet present needs while ensuring future generations have access to resources. Sustainable practices protect the environment and maintain ecological balance for the future.
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The correct answer is (b) Water. Water is a renewable resource because it is continuously replenished through the natural water cycle, making it sustainable and available for future use, unlike coal, natural gas, and petrol.
The correct answer is (b) Petrol. Petrol is the most commonly used fuel in two-wheelers like scooters and bikes due to its high energy efficiency and suitability for smaller engines compared to diesel or kerosene.
Drinking water – Use efficiently, Electricity – Turn off when not needed, Driving – Carpool or use public transport. Water can be conserved by fixing leaks. Electricity consumption can be reduced by using energy-efficient appliances. Solar cookers can replace gas ...
In the illustration, solar energy is being used for cooking. The solar cooker utilizes sunlight, which is converted into heat energy by focusing sunlight on a cooking vessel, allowing food to be prepared without other fuel sources.
Chapter 11, “Nature’s Treasures,” explores essential natural resources like water, soil, rocks, and biodiversity. It highlights their importance for sustaining life, promoting ecological balance, and emphasizes the need for conservation and sustainable practices for future generations.
From “Nature’s Treasures,” I learned the importance of conserving natural resources. I will apply this knowledge by adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving water, and promoting biodiversity in my daily life and community.
The chapter “Nature’s Treasures” fosters curiosity about natural resources, encouraging observation and inquiry. Understanding ecosystems and the interdependence of life forms inspires scientific thinking and promotes critical skills needed for investigating environmental issues as a future scientist.
From the chapter “Nature’s Treasures,” I learned about the importance of natural resources, including water, soil, rocks, and biodiversity. Understanding their roles in sustaining life highlights the need for conservation and responsible use for future generations.
Water covers approximately two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, primarily in the form of oceans, seas, and freshwater bodies. This vast presence of water is vital for supporting life, regulating climate, and shaping geological features.