The next day, the neighbour asked the man in the story about what had happened. My wife and I were about to go to sleep last night when we heard someone making noise outside. It was around midnight, and we ...
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Punctuate the following sentences and write whether they are exclamatory or interrogative sentences. (a) Wow, what an intelligent man he is! (Exclamatory) (b) Oh, how big the hole is! (Exclamatory) Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 Chapter 3 Page 32. Class 6 ...
Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs from the box given below. (a) He solved the mathematics problem quickly. (b) The car moved smoothly along the highway. Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 Chapter 3 Page 30. Class 6 English Poorvi ...
Study the following picture and fill in the blanks with the present progressive form of verbs. (a) Govind and Anu are playing football. (b) Pema is picking flowers. class 6 english poorvi chapter 3 question answer class 6 english poorvi chapter 3 ...
The man and his wife called out for help when they noticed suspicious noises, alerting the Kotwal. Their urgent pleas for assistance prompted him to rush to their aid. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 1 Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 English ...