Find out from your teacher or parents what you would do in the following situations. Who will you call if … If you see fire: Call the fire department immediately (in India, dial 101). Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 Chapter ...
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You will listen to a security guard making an announcement to the people in the neighbourhood. The security guard announced that (i) robbery has been happening in that area. Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 Chapter 3 Page 32. Class 6 English ...
Punctuate the following sentences and write whether they are exclamatory or interrogative sentences. (a) Wow, what an intelligent man he is! (Exclamatory) (b) Oh, how big the hole is! (Exclamatory) Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 Chapter 3 Page 32. Class 6 ...
Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs from the box given below. Once upon a time in a small forest, animals lived (i) peacefully. The wise old tortoise moved (ii) slowly but always won the race against the proud rabbit. ...
Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs from the box given below. (a) He solved the mathematics problem quickly. (b) The car moved smoothly along the highway. Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 Chapter 3 Page 30. Class 6 English Poorvi ...