Hindustani music, from North India, emphasizes improvisation and slow elaboration. Carnatic music, from South India, has structured compositions with fixed patterns. They use different ragas, talas and performance styles but share the same fundamental swaras. Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter ...
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The seven swaras are Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha and Ni. They form the foundation of Hindustani and Carnatic music, creating melodies and ragas essential to Indian classical compositions. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I music and your emotions question answer Class ...
Instrumental music conveys emotions without words, using melody, harmony and dynamics to express joy, sorrow or excitement. It allows listeners to interpret feelings freely, creating a personal emotional connection. Class 6 Arts Grade 6 chapter 6 music and your emotions solutions Class ...
Music-evoked memory refers to memories triggered by a song, melody or rhythm. It helps recall past experiences, emotions and associations connected to specific musical pieces, often bringing nostalgia, joy or deep reflection. Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 6 Music and your ...
The tanpura provides a continuous drone, creating a harmonic base for singing or playing instruments. It helps musicians maintain pitch, develop ear training and improve their ability to sing or play in tune. Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 6 Music and ...
Students can recognize voices by analyzing tone (brightness, warmth), texture (smooth, rough) and pitch. Listening to various singers and instruments enhances their ability to distinguish vocal and instrumental differences. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I music and your emotions question answer Class 6 ...