When red, green, and blue colors of light are mixed in equal proportions, the resulting color will be white. This additive color mixing principle is used in devices like computer monitors and televisions to produce a full range of colors ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
Plane mirrors are used in making periscopes. They are placed at 45-degree angles to the line of sight, allowing light to be reflected from one mirror to another, enabling a person to see over or around obstacles by reflecting the ...
The power of the lens with a focal length of 25 cm will be +4D. The power of a lens in diopters (D) is calculated as the reciprocal of the focal length in meters, so a focal length of 25 ...
The mirror used by a dentist to check the teeth of a patient is concave. Concave mirrors provide a magnified image, which helps the dentist see a larger and clearer view of the teeth and gums, aiding in better examination ...
The image formed on the retina of the human eye is a real and inverted image. Light rays entering the eye converge onto the retina, where they form a small, inverted image of the visual scene, triggering neural signals that ...
When an object is placed between two parallel plane mirrors, an infinite number of images are formed. Each mirror reflects the image from the other mirror, creating a series of reflections that extend to infinity due to repeated reflections between ...
The formation of a rainbow is due to the refraction, dispersion, and reflection of sunlight by water droplets in the atmosphere. Sunlight entering the droplets is refracted, split into its component colors, internally reflected, and then refracted again as it ...
An object above the water surface appears higher than its actual position to a person underwater due to the refraction of light. As light travels from air to water, it bends towards the normal, causing the object to appear elevated, ...
A compound microscope is an optical instrument designed for magnifying small objects. It uses multiple lenses to achieve high magnification. Light passes through the specimen and is magnified by an objective lens, then further enlarged by an eyepiece lens. This ...
Endoscopy, the technique used to investigate the stomach or other internal organs, is based on the phenomenon of total internal reflection. This principle allows light to be transmitted through flexible optical fibers, enabling visualization of internal structures with minimal invasive ...