The Upaniṣhads are ancient Indian texts that form the later part of the Vedic literature, often called the “end of the Vedas.” They focus on philosophical and spiritual ideas rather than rituals. The Upaniṣhads introduce key concepts like Brahman (the ...
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Rishis and Rishikas were sages and scholars in ancient India who composed the hymns of the Vedas. The rishis were men, and rishikas were women, both revered for their spiritual knowledge and insight. They lived simple lives, meditating and sharing ...
Asked: In: Class 6 Social Science
The Vedic statement “Ekam sat viprā bahudhā vadanti” is a Sanskrit phrase from the Rigveda that means “Truth is one; the wise describe it in different ways.” It highlights the idea that there is a single ultimate truth or divine ...