Area is the region enclosed by a shape. The area of a square is side x side. The area of a rectangle is length x breadth. Both are expressed in square units. Class 6 NCERT Ganita Prakash Chapter 6 Perimeter and ...
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Grignard reactions are carried out in dry ether to avoid even traces of moisture. Moisture reacts with Grignard reagents, leading to the protonation of the carbon-magnesium bond and hindering the desired reactivity. Avoiding moisture is essential to prevent unwanted side ...
Freons released into the atmosphere, including those used in refrigeration, eventually reach the stratosphere. In the stratosphere, freons can initiate radical chain reactions that disturb the natural ozone balance, posing a significant environmental concern related to ozone layer depletion.
Freons are chlorofluorocarbon compounds of methane and ethane. They are stable, unreactive, non-toxic, non-corrosive, and easily liquefiable gases. Freon 12 (CCl₂F₂) is a common industrial freon used in refrigeration and air conditioning, produced from tetrachloromethane by the Swarts reaction.
Carbon tetrachloride, when released into the air, rises to the atmosphere and contributes to ozone layer depletion. This depletion is associated with increased human exposure to ultraviolet rays, potentially leading to skin cancer, eye diseases, immune system disorders, and other ...