The primary reason Derry avoids people is his deep insecurity and self-consciousness about his appearance, particularly his disfigured face due to a burn. He feels that people stare at him with pity or disgust, which makes him uncomfortable and fuels ...
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Derry first meets Mr. Lamb in Mr. Lamb’s garden, where Derry has wandered in by chance, seeking solitude. Derry, a young boy with a burned face, initially feels uneasy and defensive upon meeting the elderly Mr. Lamb, fearing he’ll face ...
Asked: In: Class 12 Chemistry
Chelate therapy is used to treat problems caused by toxic metal proportions in biological systems. D-penicillamine and desferrioxime B remove excess copper and iron, respectively, through the formation of coordination compounds. EDTA is employed in treating lead poisoning.
Asked: In: Class 12 Chemistry
Asked: In: Class 12 Chemistry