According to the Vishnu Purana, Bharata refers to the region that stretches from the northern Himalayas to the southern seas. It describes the land as being divided by rivers and mountains, forming a rich and fertile territory. The Vishnu Purana ...
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The emperor who referred to India as Jambudvīpa was Ashoka, the Mauryan emperor. In his inscriptions, Ashoka used the term Jambudvīpa to describe the Indian subcontinent. He is known for his efforts to spread Buddhism and for his belief in ...
Jambudvipa is an ancient name used in Indian texts to describe a region or a part of the world. It refers to the southernmost continent in a traditional view of the world in Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist cosmology. According to ...
Bharatavarsha is an ancient term used to describe the Indian subcontinent. It is derived from the name of the legendary king Bharata, who is said to have ruled over this land. The term signifies the vast landmass that was inhabited ...
The term Sapta Sindhava refers to the “seven rivers” mentioned in ancient texts, particularly in the Rigveda. These seven rivers are the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej, and the Ghaggar-Hakra. The region of these rivers, located in present-day Pakistan ...
The Indian subcontinent is naturally bound by various geographical features. To the north, the towering Himalayan mountain range acts as a natural barrier, separating India from the rest of Asia. To the west, the Thar Desert forms a boundary with ...
Ancient texts play a significant role in understanding India’s history, culture, and traditions. These texts, such as the Vedas, Upanishads, and epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, provide insights into the early civilization, religious beliefs, and social practices of ancient ...
The Indian Subcontinent refers to a large, distinct landmass in South Asia that includes the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. It is called a subcontinent because it is a separate landmass, smaller than a continent ...
The term used in the Indian Constitution to describe the nation is “Bharat.” According to Article 1 of the Indian Constitution, India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States. This reflects the historical and cultural continuity of the ...
The region historically referred to as Bharata is the modern-day India. In ancient texts, particularly in the Mahabharata and other scriptures, the land of Bharata was named after a legendary king, Bharata, and represented a large part of the Indian ...