To decide if an object is in motion or at rest, one must choose a reference point. If the object’s position changes relative to the reference point over time, it is in motion; if not, it is at rest.
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Sonal Chauhan
Asked: In: Class 6 Science
Create cards with length units (mm, cm, m, km) and conversion tasks (e.g., “Convert 500 cm to meters”). Players draw cards and solve conversions. Points are awarded for correct answers, making learning fun.
Sonal Chauhan
Asked: In: Class 6 Science
The slope of a distance-time graph represents the speed of an object. A steeper slope indicates a higher speed, while a flatter slope indicates a lower speed. A horizontal slope signifies that the object is stationary.
A stopwatch measures short intervals of time, useful in experiments and sports.
Sonal Chauhan
Asked: In: Class 6 Science
Motion is the change in an object’s position over time relative to a reference point.
Non-standard units are informal measurements like hand spans or footsteps, lacking consistency and accuracy.