A black body can absorb radiation from all wavelengths. As a theoretical concept, a black body absorbs all radiation incident upon it, regardless of the wavelength. This characteristic makes it an ideal absorber and emitter of radiation, which forms the ...
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The water remains cold in the pitcher due to the process of evaporation. As water evaporates from the surface of the pitcher, it absorbs heat energy from the surroundings, including the remaining water, cooling it down.
Steam burns hands more than boiling water because steam contains latent heat. When steam condenses on the skin, it releases this latent heat, transferring more energy to the skin compared to boiling water at the same temperature. This additional heat ...
Running a fan in hot weather gives comfort because our sweat evaporates faster. The moving air increases the evaporation rate of sweat from our skin, which cools the body through the process of evaporative cooling.
When salt is added to water, the boiling point increases and the freezing point decreases. This phenomenon is due to the colligative properties of solutions, where the presence of a solute affects the boiling and freezing points of the solvent.
The temperature of the Sun’s surface is approximately 6000K. This value refers to the photosphere, the Sun’s outer layer that emits the light we see.
In an adiabatic change, no heat is exchanged with the surroundings, so heat remains unchanged. However, the temperature of the system can change due to work done on or by the system.
Camels feel relief from the desert heat by increasing their body temperature to 42°C. This allows them to conserve water by reducing sweating and water loss. Camels also have adaptations like fat storage in humps, long legs, and thick fur ...
By increasing the pressure on ice, its melting point will increase. Pressure affects the equilibrium between solid and liquid phases. As pressure rises, the equilibrium shifts towards the more compact solid phase, requiring a higher temperature to maintain equilibrium, resulting ...
Gas thermometers are more sensitive than liquid thermometers because gases has higher coefficient of expansion. Gas molecules expand more readily in response to temperature changes compared to liquids, leading to more significant changes in volume for a given temperature change. ...