Following steps should be taken to provide protection and support to them: (i) Small farmers who comprise 80% of the rural households, should be supported in Procuring seeds, agricultural inputs, credit, storage facilities and marketing outlets. (ii) In urban areas, government should help small scalRead more
Following steps should be taken to provide protection and support to them:
(i) Small farmers who comprise 80% of the rural households, should be supported in
Procuring seeds, agricultural inputs, credit, storage facilities and marketing outlets.
(ii) In urban areas, government should help small scale industry in procuring raw
material and marketing of goods.
(iii) The interests of the casual workers in rural as well as urban areas must be protected by law.
(iv) The government should take steps to en
(v) Minimum Wages Act should be enforced strictly sure equal treatment for all particularly low castes.
(vi) The government should take steps to ensure regulation of working hours and grant of medical facilities etc.
(vii) The government should take strict action against those employers who discriminate on account of caste. creed and gender.
(a) under the Bretton woods system all the decisions were made by the western industrial powers in their own interests. The developing countries were still being exploited by the western countries and the US. Thus, under these circumstance, devl being exploited by organised developing countries themRead more
(a) under the Bretton woods system all the decisions were made by the western industrial powers in their own interests. The developing countries were still being exploited by the western countries and the US. Thus, under these circumstance, devl being exploited by organised developing countries themselves as a group the Group of 77 (or G-77) -to demand a new international economic order (NIEO)
(b) The G-77 countries demanded NIEO because that would give them real control over their natural resources, more’ development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials, and. better access for their manufactured goods in developed countries, markets.
(c) It was a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods system because under that system nothing substantial was done for the developing countries. Their natural resources were still being exploited. So the developed countries had no alternative except to organise them- selves as a group of G-77 and to have NIEO.
(i) There was unprecedented growth of trade and income for the Western industrial nations and Japan. (ii) World trade grew annually at over 8 per cent between 1950 and 1970 and incomes at nearly 5 per cent. (iii) The growth was stable and without large fluctuations. (lv) Unemployment averaged less tRead more
(i) There was unprecedented growth of trade and income for the Western industrial nations and Japan.
(ii) World trade grew annually at over 8 per cent between 1950 and 1970 and incomes at nearly 5 per cent.
(iii) The growth was stable and without large fluctuations.
(lv) Unemployment averaged less than 5 per cent in most industrial countries.
(v) There was worldwide spread of technology and enterprise. Developing countries tried to make advancement like advanced industrial countries. They invested vest amount of capital, imported industrial plants and equipment with modern technology.
The factors or circumstances leading to the end of the Bretton Woods system and the beginning of 'Globalization, are as given below: (i) From the 1960s, us finances and competitive strength weakened due to rising costs of its overseas involvements' us dollar was no longer a principal currency in theRead more
The factors or circumstances leading to the end of the Bretton Woods system and the beginning of ‘Globalization, are as given below:
(i) From the 1960s, us finances and competitive strength weakened due to rising costs of its overseas involvements’ us dollar was no longer a principal currency in the world. It could not maintain its value in relation to gold.
(ii) weakening of US position led to the collapse of fixed exchange rates. Its place was taken up by floating exchange rates.
(iii) From mid-1970s, the developing countries were forced. to borrow from western commercial banks and private lending institutions. This resulted in debt-cri.u.,1o*”, income and increase in poverty in Africa and Latin America.
(iv) The industrial countries were also hit by unemployment from the mid-1970s and remained high until the early 1990s.
(v) MNCs began to shift production operations to low-wage Asian countries to earn more profits’ Low wages in china made that country an attractive destination for investment by MNCs to capture world markets.
(vi) Some other incidents like new economic policies in china, the collapse of Soviet Union and soviet-style communism in Eastern Europe brought many countries into the fold of the world economy. These activities increased world trade and capital flows.
Two lessons are as given below: (i) An industrial society based on mass production cannot be sustained without mass consumption. To ensure mass consumption there should be stable income and full employment which in turn need intervention of the government. (ii) The goal of full employment can only bRead more
Two lessons are as given below:
(i) An industrial society based on mass production cannot be sustained without mass consumption. To ensure mass consumption there should be stable income and full employment which in turn need intervention of the government.
(ii) The goal of full employment can only be achieved if the government has the power to control flows of goods, capital and labour. it is related to country’s economic links with the outside world.
What steps should be taken try the government to protect workers in the unorganised sector?
Following steps should be taken to provide protection and support to them: (i) Small farmers who comprise 80% of the rural households, should be supported in Procuring seeds, agricultural inputs, credit, storage facilities and marketing outlets. (ii) In urban areas, government should help small scalRead more
Following steps should be taken to provide protection and support to them:
See less(i) Small farmers who comprise 80% of the rural households, should be supported in
Procuring seeds, agricultural inputs, credit, storage facilities and marketing outlets.
(ii) In urban areas, government should help small scale industry in procuring raw
material and marketing of goods.
(iii) The interests of the casual workers in rural as well as urban areas must be protected by law.
(iv) The government should take steps to en
(v) Minimum Wages Act should be enforced strictly sure equal treatment for all particularly low castes.
(vi) The government should take steps to ensure regulation of working hours and grant of medical facilities etc.
(vii) The government should take strict action against those employers who discriminate on account of caste. creed and gender.
What is group of 77? why did Group-77 countries demand. a NIEO? Explain
(a) under the Bretton woods system all the decisions were made by the western industrial powers in their own interests. The developing countries were still being exploited by the western countries and the US. Thus, under these circumstance, devl being exploited by organised developing countries themRead more
(a) under the Bretton woods system all the decisions were made by the western industrial powers in their own interests. The developing countries were still being exploited by the western countries and the US. Thus, under these circumstance, devl being exploited by organised developing countries themselves as a group the Group of 77 (or G-77) -to demand a new international economic order (NIEO)
(b) The G-77 countries demanded NIEO because that would give them real control over their natural resources, more’ development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials, and. better access for their manufactured goods in developed countries, markets.
(c) It was a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods system because under that system nothing substantial was done for the developing countries. Their natural resources were still being exploited. So the developed countries had no alternative except to organise them- selves as a group of G-77 and to have NIEO.
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Describe the effects of the Bretton Woods system.
(i) There was unprecedented growth of trade and income for the Western industrial nations and Japan. (ii) World trade grew annually at over 8 per cent between 1950 and 1970 and incomes at nearly 5 per cent. (iii) The growth was stable and without large fluctuations. (lv) Unemployment averaged less tRead more
(i) There was unprecedented growth of trade and income for the Western industrial nations and Japan.
(ii) World trade grew annually at over 8 per cent between 1950 and 1970 and incomes at nearly 5 per cent.
(iii) The growth was stable and without large fluctuations.
(lv) Unemployment averaged less than 5 per cent in most industrial countries.
(v) There was worldwide spread of technology and enterprise. Developing countries tried to make advancement like advanced industrial countries. They invested vest amount of capital, imported industrial plants and equipment with modern technology.
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Describe The factors responsible for the end of the Bretton Woods system and the beginning woods of ‘Globalisation’.
The factors or circumstances leading to the end of the Bretton Woods system and the beginning of 'Globalization, are as given below: (i) From the 1960s, us finances and competitive strength weakened due to rising costs of its overseas involvements' us dollar was no longer a principal currency in theRead more
The factors or circumstances leading to the end of the Bretton Woods system and the beginning of ‘Globalization, are as given below:
(i) From the 1960s, us finances and competitive strength weakened due to rising costs of its overseas involvements’ us dollar was no longer a principal currency in the world. It could not maintain its value in relation to gold.
(ii) weakening of US position led to the collapse of fixed exchange rates. Its place was taken up by floating exchange rates.
(iii) From mid-1970s, the developing countries were forced. to borrow from western commercial banks and private lending institutions. This resulted in debt-cri.u.,1o*”, income and increase in poverty in Africa and Latin America.
(iv) The industrial countries were also hit by unemployment from the mid-1970s and remained high until the early 1990s.
(v) MNCs began to shift production operations to low-wage Asian countries to earn more profits’ Low wages in china made that country an attractive destination for investment by MNCs to capture world markets.
(vi) Some other incidents like new economic policies in china, the collapse of Soviet Union and soviet-style communism in Eastern Europe brought many countries into the fold of the world economy. These activities increased world trade and capital flows.
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Describe two lessons drawn by the politicians and economists from the inter-war economic experiences.
Two lessons are as given below: (i) An industrial society based on mass production cannot be sustained without mass consumption. To ensure mass consumption there should be stable income and full employment which in turn need intervention of the government. (ii) The goal of full employment can only bRead more
Two lessons are as given below:
(i) An industrial society based on mass production cannot be sustained without mass consumption. To ensure mass consumption there should be stable income and full employment which in turn need intervention of the government.
(ii) The goal of full employment can only be achieved if the government has the power to control flows of goods, capital and labour. it is related to country’s economic links with the outside world.
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