Anticipation in Kho-Kho involves predicting opponents’ movements. Players observe body language, direction, and speed to prepare their next move. It ensures quick reactions and enhances decision-making during chasing or defending. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 3 question answer class ...
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The pole turn allows chasers to change direction quickly around a pole. By pivoting their foot and using momentum effectively, chasers can maintain speed and agility while keeping defenders within reach. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit III Chapter ...
Dodging involves quick, unpredictable movements to evade chasers. Defenders use techniques like leaning and changing direction swiftly to mislead opponents. This skill is essential for prolonging play and increasing their team’s chances of scoring. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being ...
The three types of Kho are Simple Touch Kho, Early Kho, and Late Kho. Each requires precise timing and strategy to mislead defenders or enable effective chasing, depending on the gameplay situation. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit III ...
Giving a Kho involves tapping a teammate’s back while shouting “Kho.” The player must ensure one leg stays behind the cross-line to maintain position and timing during the transition. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 3 Chapter 3 Fundamental Skills ...
The defender’s role is to evade chasers using dodging, leaning, and strategic movement. They aim to stay untagged, testing the chasers’ skills and contributing to their team’s score by lasting longer. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 3 Chapter 3 ...
Proper footwork involves initiating movement with the correct leg based on direction, maintaining an upright posture, and swinging arms naturally. These steps ensure agility and speed, helping chasers to close gaps effectively. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 3 Chapter ...
The sitting stance forms the foundation of Kho-Kho, ensuring stability and readiness. It enhances speed during chasing and helps maintain balance, preparing players to execute quick movements while tagging or dodging effectively. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 3 Fundamental ...
Kho-Kho involves two teams alternating between chasing and defending. Chasers tag defenders using speed and agility, while defenders dodge strategically. Specific rules guide sitting stances, direction changes, and giving the “Kho.” Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 3 Fundamental Skills ...
After a successful pole turn, chasers push off the pole with force, gaining speed and maintaining control while pursuing defenders. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit III Chapter 3 Fundamental Skills of Kho-Kho, Khel Yatra class 6 Physical Education and ...