Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) was a Russian writer and philosopher, best known for his novels like “War and Peace.” Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) was an Indian leader and activist who led India to independence through nonviolent civil disobedience. Gandhi was deeply influenced ...
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Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography reflects his life’s transformative journey. From his early years to becoming a key figure in India’s struggle for independence, the narrative delves into his principles, philosophies, and the evolution of his commitment to truth and nonviolence.
“Guide” is a classic novel that revolves around the transformation of Raju, a tour guide, into a spiritual leader. Set in the fictional town of Malgudi, the story unfolds with humor and depth, exploring themes of love, destiny, and self-discovery ...
“Mein Kampf” is an autobiographical manifesto that articulates extreme political ideologies. Written in the 1920s, it expounds on anti-Semitic, nationalistic, and authoritarian views. The book outlines the author’s vision for Germany, influencing Nazi ideology and shaping the course of history.
“Lolita” is a controversial novel that delves into the disturbing relationship between Humbert Humbert, a literature professor, and Dolores Haze, a young girl he obsessively calls Lolita. The narrative explores themes of obsession, manipulation, and the consequences of forbidden desire.
“Maalavikagnimitram” is a Sanskrit play portraying the romantic tale of King Agnimitra and Maalavika. The drama, rich in poetic expression, explores themes of love, politics, and intrigue, showcasing Kalidasa’s mastery in depicting intricate human emotions within a royal court setting.
Malik Muhammad Jayasi was a Sufi poet from India, known for his contributions to literature. His poetry often reflected Sufi mysticism and explored themes of love, spirituality, and morality, showcasing a profound understanding of the human experience in the medieval ...
Saint Kabir was a medieval Indian mystic and poet. His teachings emphasize spirituality, unity, and devotion to a formless, transcendent God. Kabir’s verses bridge religious divides and promote universal truths.
“Gora” is a novel exploring identity, love, and societal complexities in colonial Bengal. Set against a backdrop of social reform, it follows the protagonist’s journey of self-discovery and cultural conflict.
“Kama Sutra” is an ancient Indian text offering insights into the art of living and love. Beyond its famed sexual content, it addresses relationships, etiquette, and sensual pleasure in diverse aspects.