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Sepals protect the flower bud before its opening.
Weaving is merely bringing the threads together in a criss-cross fashion to make cloth.
Cotton clothes absorb sweat readily. They do not irritate the skin.
In knitting, a single thread is used to make cloth while in weaving two sets of yarns are used to make a fabric.
What is the function of sepals?
Sepals protect the flower bud before its opening.
Sepals protect the flower bud before its opening.
See lessWhat is weaving?
Weaving is merely bringing the threads together in a criss-cross fashion to make cloth.
Weaving is merely bringing the threads together in a criss-cross fashion to make cloth.
See lessWhy we prefer cotton clothes in summer?
Cotton clothes absorb sweat readily. They do not irritate the skin.
Cotton clothes absorb sweat readily. They do not irritate the skin.
See lessWhat is the difference between weaving and knitting?
In knitting, a single thread is used to make cloth while in weaving two sets of yarns are used to make a fabric.
In knitting, a single thread is used to make cloth while in weaving two sets of yarns are
See lessused to make a fabric.
Name the process of making yarn from fabrics.
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