The price of one currency in terms of other currency is known as foreign exchange rate. It is the rate at which one unit of a foreign currency is exchanged for domestic currency. It indicates external value (purchasing power) of a currency in terms of other currencies. In other words, it is the pricRead more
The price of one currency in terms of other currency is known as foreign exchange rate. It is the rate at which one unit of a foreign currency is exchanged for domestic currency. It indicates external value (purchasing power) of a currency in terms of other currencies. In other words, it is the price in domestic currency to obtain one unit of foreign currency.
Price elasticity of supply measure the responsiveness of quantity supplied of a commodity to change in its own price. This questions answer is given in NCERT Solutions for class 9 Economics PDF book in the website.
Price elasticity of supply measure the responsiveness of quantity supplied of a commodity to change in its own price.
This questions answer is given in NCERT Solutions for class 9 Economics PDF book in the website.
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Transactions that take place to cover deficit or surplus are called _________ transactions.
(i) Accommodating first option is correct.
(i) Accommodating first option is correct.
See lessWhat do you mean by foreign exchange rate?
The price of one currency in terms of other currency is known as foreign exchange rate. It is the rate at which one unit of a foreign currency is exchanged for domestic currency. It indicates external value (purchasing power) of a currency in terms of other currencies. In other words, it is the pricRead more
The price of one currency in terms of other currency is known as foreign exchange rate. It is the rate at which one unit of a foreign currency is exchanged for domestic currency. It indicates external value (purchasing power) of a currency in terms of other currencies. In other words, it is the price in domestic currency to obtain one unit of foreign currency.
For instance – 1 US Dollar values 74 INR.
See lessWhat does price elasticity of supply measure or quantify?
Price elasticity of supply measure the responsiveness of quantity supplied of a commodity to change in its own price. This questions answer is given in NCERT Solutions for class 9 Economics PDF book in the website.
Price elasticity of supply measure the responsiveness of quantity supplied of a commodity to change in its own price.
See lessThis questions answer is given in NCERT Solutions for class 9 Economics PDF book in the website.
Price determination of a commodity is subject matter if macroeconomics.
Incorrect! Because price determination of a commodity or factor is a subject matter of microeconomics.
Incorrect! Because price determination of a commodity or factor is a subject matter of microeconomics.
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