Light sources which emit light waves of same wavelength (or frequency) having either zero or. constant originating phase difference are called coherent sources of light. For more visit here:
Light sources which emit light waves of same wavelength (or frequency) having either zero or. constant originating phase difference are called coherent sources of light.
Frequency of electromagnetic waves = Frequency of oscillations of charged particle = 10⁹ Hz. For more visit here:
Frequency of electromagnetic waves = Frequency of oscillations of charged particle = 10⁹ Hz.
Two characteristics of nuclear force are: (i) It is attractive at short ranges (about 1-2 femtometers). (ii) It is independent of charge and acts equally on protons and neutrons. The binding energy per nucleon decreases for heavy nuclei like Uranium because the nuclear force becomes less effective oRead more
Two characteristics of nuclear force are:
(i) It is attractive at short ranges (about 1-2 femtometers).
(ii) It is independent of charge and acts equally on protons and neutrons.
The binding energy per nucleon decreases for heavy nuclei like Uranium because the nuclear force becomes less effective over larger distances, while the repulsive electrostatic force between protons increases.
Two characteristic properties of nuclear forces are: (i) Short-range: Nuclear forces act effectively only at distances around 1-2 femtometers. (ii) Independence from charge: They act equally on protons and neutrons, regardless of their electric charge. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.Read more
Two characteristic properties of nuclear forces are:
(i) Short-range: Nuclear forces act effectively only at distances around 1-2 femtometers.
(ii) Independence from charge: They act equally on protons and neutrons, regardless of their electric charge.
The small leakage current in reverse bias of a p-n junction is caused by the thermal generation of electron-hole pairs, which creates a tiny current despite the large potential barrier. For more visit here:
The small leakage current in reverse bias of a p-n junction is caused by the thermal generation of electron-hole pairs, which creates a tiny current despite the large potential barrier.
In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into energy through the mass-energy equivalence principle, described by Einstein's equation E = mc² . While protons and neutrons are conserved, the total mass of the resulting particles can be slightly less than the initial mass. This "missing" mass is coRead more
In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into energy through the mass-energy equivalence principle, described by Einstein’s equation
E = mc²
. While protons and neutrons are conserved, the total mass of the resulting particles can be slightly less than the initial mass. This “missing” mass is converted into energy. For example, in nuclear fusion, the mass of fused hydrogen atoms is slightly less than the combined mass of the individual atoms, and the difference is released as energy.
The p-n junction diode offers very high resistance in reverse biasing, where the applied voltage increases the width of the depletion region, preventing the flow of majority charge carriers across the junction. For more visit here: more
The p-n junction diode offers very high resistance in reverse biasing, where the applied voltage increases the width of the depletion region, preventing the flow of majority charge carriers across the junction.
To determine if diode D is forward or reverse biased, check the voltage across it: Forward biased: Positive terminal of the battery connected to p-side. Reverse biased: Positive terminal connected to n-side. For more visit here: more
To determine if diode D is forward or reverse biased, check the voltage across it:
Forward biased: Positive terminal of the battery connected to p-side.
Reverse biased: Positive terminal connected to n-side.
An intrinsic semiconductor would behave like a perfect insulator at absolute zero temperature (0 Kelvin), as there would be no thermally excited electrons to conduct electricity. For more visit here:
An intrinsic semiconductor would behave like a perfect insulator at absolute zero temperature (0 Kelvin), as there would be no thermally excited electrons to conduct electricity.
An n-type semiconductor is doped with elements like phosphorus, adding extra electrons (negative charge carriers). A p-type semiconductor is doped with elements like boron, creating "holes" (positive charge carriers) by missing electrons. Both enhance conductivity in intrinsic semiconductors but difRead more
An n-type semiconductor is doped with elements like phosphorus, adding extra electrons (negative charge carriers). A p-type semiconductor is doped with elements like boron, creating “holes” (positive charge carriers) by missing electrons. Both enhance conductivity in intrinsic semiconductors but differ by dominant charge carriers: electrons in n-type and holes in p-type.
What are coherent sources of light?
Light sources which emit light waves of same wavelength (or frequency) having either zero or. constant originating phase difference are called coherent sources of light. For more visit here:
Light sources which emit light waves of same wavelength (or frequency) having either zero or. constant originating phase difference are called coherent sources of light.
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A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 10⁹ Hz. What is the frequency of the electromagnetic waves produced by the oscillator?
Frequency of electromagnetic waves = Frequency of oscillations of charged particle = 10⁹ Hz. For more visit here:
Frequency of electromagnetic waves = Frequency of oscillations of charged particle = 10⁹ Hz.
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State two characteristics of nuclear force. Why does the binding energy per nucleon decrease with increase in mass number for heavy nuclei like U?
Two characteristics of nuclear force are: (i) It is attractive at short ranges (about 1-2 femtometers). (ii) It is independent of charge and acts equally on protons and neutrons. The binding energy per nucleon decreases for heavy nuclei like Uranium because the nuclear force becomes less effective oRead more
Two characteristics of nuclear force are:
(i) It is attractive at short ranges (about 1-2 femtometers).
(ii) It is independent of charge and acts equally on protons and neutrons.
The binding energy per nucleon decreases for heavy nuclei like Uranium because the nuclear force becomes less effective over larger distances, while the repulsive electrostatic force between protons increases.
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State two characteristic properties of nuclear forces.
Two characteristic properties of nuclear forces are: (i) Short-range: Nuclear forces act effectively only at distances around 1-2 femtometers. (ii) Independence from charge: They act equally on protons and neutrons, regardless of their electric charge. For more visit here: https://www.tiwariacademy.Read more
Two characteristic properties of nuclear forces are:
(i) Short-range: Nuclear forces act effectively only at distances around 1-2 femtometers.
(ii) Independence from charge: They act equally on protons and neutrons, regardless of their electric charge.
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What is the cause of a small leakage current in reverse bias arrangement of a p – n junction?
The small leakage current in reverse bias of a p-n junction is caused by the thermal generation of electron-hole pairs, which creates a tiny current despite the large potential barrier. For more visit here:
The small leakage current in reverse bias of a p-n junction is caused by the thermal generation of electron-hole pairs, which creates a tiny current despite the large potential barrier.
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If both the number of protons and neutrons in a nuclear reaction is conserved, in what way is mass converted into energy (or vice versa)? Explain giving one example.
In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into energy through the mass-energy equivalence principle, described by Einstein's equation E = mc² . While protons and neutrons are conserved, the total mass of the resulting particles can be slightly less than the initial mass. This "missing" mass is coRead more
In a nuclear reaction, mass can be converted into energy through the mass-energy equivalence principle, described by Einstein’s equation
E = mc²
. While protons and neutrons are conserved, the total mass of the resulting particles can be slightly less than the initial mass. This “missing” mass is converted into energy. For example, in nuclear fusion, the mass of fused hydrogen atoms is slightly less than the combined mass of the individual atoms, and the difference is released as energy.
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Name the type of biasing of a p-n junction diode so that the junction offers very high resistance.
The p-n junction diode offers very high resistance in reverse biasing, where the applied voltage increases the width of the depletion region, preventing the flow of majority charge carriers across the junction. For more visit here: more
The p-n junction diode offers very high resistance in reverse biasing, where the applied voltage increases the width of the depletion region, preventing the flow of majority charge carriers across the junction.
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What is the diode D forward or reverse biased?
To determine if diode D is forward or reverse biased, check the voltage across it: Forward biased: Positive terminal of the battery connected to p-side. Reverse biased: Positive terminal connected to n-side. For more visit here: more
To determine if diode D is forward or reverse biased, check the voltage across it:
Forward biased: Positive terminal of the battery connected to p-side.
Reverse biased: Positive terminal connected to n-side.
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At what temperature would an intrinsic semiconductor behave like a perfect insulator?
An intrinsic semiconductor would behave like a perfect insulator at absolute zero temperature (0 Kelvin), as there would be no thermally excited electrons to conduct electricity. For more visit here:
An intrinsic semiconductor would behave like a perfect insulator at absolute zero temperature (0 Kelvin), as there would be no thermally excited electrons to conduct electricity.
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What is the difference between an n-type and a p-type intrinsic semiconductor?
An n-type semiconductor is doped with elements like phosphorus, adding extra electrons (negative charge carriers). A p-type semiconductor is doped with elements like boron, creating "holes" (positive charge carriers) by missing electrons. Both enhance conductivity in intrinsic semiconductors but difRead more
An n-type semiconductor is doped with elements like phosphorus, adding extra electrons (negative charge carriers). A p-type semiconductor is doped with elements like boron, creating “holes” (positive charge carriers) by missing electrons. Both enhance conductivity in intrinsic semiconductors but differ by dominant charge carriers: electrons in n-type and holes in p-type.
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