Illustrations are visual representations used to clarify concepts, enhance understanding, and provide examples in books, articles, or presentations. Class 11 Physics Systems of Particle & Rotational Motion CBSE EXAM 2024-25
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Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion or rest, maintaining stability. Class 11 Physics Systems of Particle & Rotational Motion CBSE EXAM 2024-25
Parallel describes lines, planes, or objects that are equidistant from each other at all points and never intersect. Class 11 Physics Systems of Particle & Rotational Motion CBSE EXAM 2024-25
A theorem is a proven statement or principle in mathematics or science, derived logically from definitions, axioms and prior results. Class 11 Physics Systems of Particle & Rotational Motion CBSE EXAM 2024-25
Gyration refers to the rotation of an object around an axis, describing its distribution of mass relative to the axis. Class 11 Physics Systems of Particle & Rotational Motion CBSE EXAM 2024-25