The Sargasso Sea got its name because of algae. Specifically, it is named after the Sargassum algae, a type of brown seaweed that floats on the surface of the sea in large mats.
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Tikka disease occurs in groundnut. It is caused by the fungus Cercospora arachidicola. This fungal pathogen infects groundnut plants, causing characteristic dark brown to black lesions on leaves, stems, and pods. Tikka disease can lead to reduced yields and quality ...
Streptomycin was isolated by Waxman. It was discovered in 1943 by Selman Waksman and his team at Rutgers University. Streptomycin was the first antibiotic effective against tuberculosis and played a significant role in the treatment of this disease.
Broad spectrum antibiotics are produced from Streptomyces. These bacteria are prolific producers of antibiotics with diverse chemical structures and biological activities. Streptomyces antibiotics are effective against a wide range of bacteria, making them valuable in treating various bacterial infections in ...
L.S.D. is obtained from fungi. Specifically, it is derived from a fungus called ergot, which infects grains such as rye. The chemical synthesis of L.S.D. involves isolating and modifying compounds found in ergot fungus to produce lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly ...
Agaricus is an edible fungus. It belongs to the genus Agaricus and includes several species commonly consumed as food, such as the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). These fungi are cultivated and widely used in culinary applications due to their palatable ...
Vegetative reproduction takes place in yeast by budding. During budding, a small outgrowth or bud forms on the parent yeast cell, gradually enlarging until it detaches to become a new daughter cell, thereby reproducing asexually and maintaining population growth.
When yeast cells are added to wheat flour, bread becomes soft and porous because it produces CO2 and makes the bread spongy. The fermentation process initiated by yeast converts sugars in the dough into carbon dioxide gas, which creates air ...
Penicillin is obtained on an industrial scale from Penicillium chrysogenum. This species of fungus is used in large-scale fermentation processes to produce penicillin. Its efficient production capabilities and high yields make it the preferred source for industrial penicillin production.
Ergot is obtained from Claviceps. It is a genus of fungi that parasitizes various grasses and cereals, particularly rye. Certain species of Claviceps produce alkaloids, including ergotamine and ergometrine, which can cause ergotism when consumed by humans or animals.