Sukshma Vyayama consists of subtle exercises designed to loosen joints, improve flexibility, and release tension. These gentle movements enhance circulation, mobility and coordination, making them accessible for people of all fitness levels. Answer: (B) Loosen joints and improve flexibility class 6 ...
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Yama is the first limb of Ashtanga Yoga, focusing on ethical behavior and social harmony. It includes principles like Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (self-control) and Aparigraha (non-greed). Answer: (C) Social ethics class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook ...
Pranayama is derived from “Prāna” (life force) and “Ayāma” (control or expansion). It involves controlling the breath to enhance respiratory function, mental focus, and energy flow, contributing to overall well-being. Answer: (B) Breath control class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook ...
Dhyāna, or meditation, reduces anxiety by fostering mental stillness and focus. This practice enhances emotional balance, clarity and inner peace, making it a powerful tool for stress management and personal growth. Answer: (B) Reduces anxiety class 6 Physical Education and Well-being ...
Pratyahara, the fifth limb of Ashtāṅga Yoga, involves withdrawing the senses from external distractions to focus inward. It enhances self-awareness and prepares practitioners for deeper concentration and meditation. Answer: (A) Pratyāhāra Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V Chapter ...
Aparigraha, a principle of Yama, advocates non-greed and contentment. It encourages living simply, avoiding excess possessions, and appreciating what one has, fostering a sense of gratitude and inner peace. Answer: (B) Non-greed Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V ...
Relaxation, though essential in Yoga, is not listed as one of the eight limbs of Ashtāṅga Yoga. These limbs include Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prānāyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhārana, Dhyāna and Samādhi. Answer: (C) Relaxation Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V ...
Satya, one of the five Yamas, means truthfulness. It emphasizes speaking and acting truthfully in all circumstances, encouraging honesty in words, thoughts and actions to cultivate trust, integrity, and authenticity in relationships. Answer: (C) Satya Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being ...
Ahimsa, a principle of Yama, teaches non-violence and compassion. It emphasizes refraining from harm in thought, word and action, fostering peace and ethical living in relationships with others and the environment. Answer: (A) Non-violence Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit ...
Sūrya Namaskāra, or Sun Salutations, is a sequence of 12 Yoga poses practiced to honor the sun. It boosts energy, improves flexibility, strengthens muscles, and prepares the body for advanced Yoga. Answer: (B) Greets the sun and energizes the body Class ...