The executive which is elected by the people for a specific period is called political executive. Political leaders who take the big decisions fall in this category.
The executive which is elected by the people for a specific period is called
political executive. Political leaders who take the big decisions fall in this
At different levels of any government we find functionaries who take day-to day decisions but do nor excessive supreme power on behalf of the people. All those functionaries are collectively known as the executive.
At different levels of any government we find functionaries who take day-to day decisions but do nor excessive supreme power on behalf of the people.
All those functionaries are collectively known as the executive.
Lok Sabha controls the council of ministers. If the majority of the Lok Sabha members say they have 'no confidence' in the council of ministers including the prime minister, have to quit. The Rajya Sabha does not have this power.
Lok Sabha controls the council of ministers. If the majority of the Lok Sabha
members say they have ‘no confidence’ in the council of ministers including
the prime minister, have to quit. The Rajya Sabha does not have this power.
Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters. once the Lok Sabha passes the budget of the government or Any other money related law, the Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. The Rajya Sabha can delay it by 14 days or suggest changes in it. The Lok Sabha may or may nor accept these changes.
Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters. once the Lok Sabha
passes the budget of the government or Any other money related law, the
Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. The Rajya Sabha can delay it by 14 days or
suggest changes in it. The Lok Sabha may or may nor accept these changes.
What do you understand by the term ,Political Executive,?
The executive which is elected by the people for a specific period is called political executive. Political leaders who take the big decisions fall in this category.
The executive which is elected by the people for a specific period is called
See lesspolitical executive. Political leaders who take the big decisions fall in this
Why are they called as the Executive?
They are called the executive because they are in-charge of the execution of the policies of the government.
They are called the executive because they are in-charge of the execution of
See lessthe policies of the government.
What is an executive?
At different levels of any government we find functionaries who take day-to day decisions but do nor excessive supreme power on behalf of the people. All those functionaries are collectively known as the executive.
At different levels of any government we find functionaries who take day-to day decisions but do nor excessive supreme power on behalf of the people.
See lessAll those functionaries are collectively known as the executive.
How does Lok Sabha exercise control over the Council of Ministers?
Lok Sabha controls the council of ministers. If the majority of the Lok Sabha members say they have 'no confidence' in the council of ministers including the prime minister, have to quit. The Rajya Sabha does not have this power.
Lok Sabha controls the council of ministers. If the majority of the Lok Sabha
See lessmembers say they have ‘no confidence’ in the council of ministers including
the prime minister, have to quit. The Rajya Sabha does not have this power.
How does Lok Sabha exercise money powers?
Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters. once the Lok Sabha passes the budget of the government or Any other money related law, the Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. The Rajya Sabha can delay it by 14 days or suggest changes in it. The Lok Sabha may or may nor accept these changes.
Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters. once the Lok Sabha
See lesspasses the budget of the government or Any other money related law, the
Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. The Rajya Sabha can delay it by 14 days or
suggest changes in it. The Lok Sabha may or may nor accept these changes.