Victoria Lake is situated in the middle of Tanzania-Kenya-Uganda. It borders all three countries and is the largest lake in Africa by surface area, serving as a crucial water resource and supporting diverse ecosystems and communities in the region.
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The lake that is not a saltwater lake among the options provided is Lake Baikal.
The Caspian Sea is situated Between Russia and Iran. It is bordered by several countries, including Russia to the north and Iran to the south, making it the world’s largest inland body of water.
The lake that forms the international border between Tanzania and Uganda is Victoria. Lake Victoria is situated between the two countries, serving as a significant natural boundary and a vital resource for the region’s economies and ecosystems.
Armenia is not bordered by the Caspian Sea. Among the options provided, Armenia is the only landlocked country and does not have a coastline along the Caspian Sea.
Victoria Lake is located in East Africa. It is situated primarily within the borders of Tanzania and Uganda, with a small portion extending into Kenya. Victoria Lake is the largest lake in Africa and the world’s second-largest freshwater lake by ...
The lake entirely situated within the United States among the five Great Lakes in the Lake Region of America is Michigan. Lake Michigan is the only one of the Great Lakes that lies entirely within the borders of the United ...
The Aral Sea is located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Once one of the world’s largest lakes, it has significantly diminished due to environmental issues, primarily caused by the diversion of its feeder rivers for irrigation purposes.
The highest altitude lake in the world is Titicaca. Located in the Andes Mountains between Bolivia and Peru, Lake Titicaca sits at an elevation of approximately 3,812 meters (12,507 feet) above sea level.
The largest saltwater lake in the world is Caspian Sea. Spanning approximately 371,000 square kilometers, it holds this title, despite being referred to as a sea. It borders five countries and contains significant saltwater resources.